About EMDIPWe work for you since 1969
EMDIP is a private production company, founded by Mr. Miodrag Dinić in 1969. A small manufacturing work-shop with a few second-hand machines extended to respectable middle-size company with considerable engineering, technological and manufacturing technological capabilities and now has 80 employees.
- Creditable Integrity Value talent cultivation and encourage creative innovation
- Effective Team Work Pursue organizational solidity and press on effective team-work
- Quality Assurance Ensure first and best of product quality and service
EMDIP is chiefly an exporting company and a reliable partner. Our well-known,
high quality products and accompanying services has a significant place in the
metal manufacturing sector of Serbia. Special characteristics of the company are
our rapid ability to conquer totally new production programs and flexibility in adjusting the programs to the needs of the market. The priorities of our company are modernization, keeping focus on the new
technologies and permanent education of our personnel in an ever increasing competitive environment both, domestic and foreign.

About Industrium coWood-burning fire-place stoves, fireplaces, inserts & boilers Pellet and Bio-Ethanol fireplaces
During the last 18 years our main and most important production program is related on engineering, manufacturing and pre-testing of solid energy fireplace heaters. We have accumulated experience and skills and also a good practice to organise
pretesting of the new models in our production hall when we hire adequate private
company – an expert and appropriate testing equipment. That is how we are
absolutely sure results in a certificate will exceed official requirements.
Our first certificate was issued in Köln (TÜV Rheinland, Deutschland):
Kaminofen für feste Brennstoffe – DELTA PE-1
(Bericht Nr. K 181 2006 T1 / Typrüfung nach DIN EN 13240)
Outsourcing production of diverse indusatrial electro-mechanical devices, components and spare parts

Industrial elektro-mechanical equipment and spare parts as outsourcing production was our main field from the beginning and now it is a secondary activity after fireplaces continues to enlarge and improve outsourcing capabilities for future production needs of its customers by investing in the best laser and plasma cutting machines. Our main capabilities are based on а full range of industrial application of the latest laser and plasma technology: 2D and 3D cutting, welding and engraving.
- Sheet Metal Industry / prefabrication
- Pressure vessels and devices
- Automotive Industry - Agriculture machines
- Shipyards
- Chemical / Oil
- Gas Industry
HistoryHistory of our company
"ELMONT" was the very first private workshop in a former socialist Yugoslavia. The primary area of activity was in line with the high-voltage electroenergetic industrial systems and equipment – engineering, instalation/mounting, maintenance and repair.
"ELMONT" had changed its basic business activity and the name to "ELEKTROMETAL". It was private production workshop for diverse industrial electro-mechanical components and spare parts such as: - Components and spare parts for the Railway and Energy Corporation - Agriculture machinery - Metal, Construction and Military Sectors, etc.
"ELEKTROMETAL" had continual growth with new production programs, more workers and new machinery. The workshop became a company with the new name: "EM DIP d.o.o".
Creative teamWe have assembled the
best team to work with you
in Industrium Co
What people says about Industrium company
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel

- In entity, the company is ownership of family Dinic and stand for the contunuity of 60 years of presence and work of its founder in a field of industrial energetics and manufacturing.
- Capable specialized and experienced personnel: 6 Mechanical Engineers (engineering, machine construction/mechanization) 14 experienced MIG / WIG / SMAW / SAW welders 25 specialized machine workers.
- Possibility of hiring of qualified and experienced workers and young as well as experienced specialists (PC/Software programmers, engineers of electronics, mechatronics, automatics, hydraulics, etc.).
- Flexibility regarding the quick or urgent adaptation to difficult market conditions as well as accepting new production programs.
- Experienced in making the projects for and producing our own equipment. Engineering and creation of technical documentation are defined by up-to-date CAD/CAM/CAPP software programs as well as the financial sector.
- Standard characteristics of our company are high quality products and service as well as sticking to mutual deadlines. • Important capacity of production facilities with multiple usage possibilities on very good locations.
- International standards and certification
WorkshopOur Workshop
- Workshop in function (office and warehouse space: 700 m²)
- Production hall (ferro-concrete construction) with the appropriate road, electroenergetic, telecomunication and sanitary infrastructure.
- Total area: 6,000 m²
- Energetic capacity: 480 kVA
- Crane: 12 t
- Location: - Crossroads of the motorway Nis-Sofia [E 80] and local road [E 771] - 18 km away from the Nis airport "Constantine the Great" - 6 km away from the motorway Belgrade-Skopje [E 75] - 12 km away from the city center